Sunday, December 18, 2016

Apparently You Can't Bring Your Pets To Subway Restaurants In Virginia! Outrageous!


Adorable, Coddled Snowflake Child Goes Into Subway Restaurant Not To Purchase Sandwich, But To Use Bathroom, Tries To Bring Pet As He Should! 

Manager has some "problem" with it, kicks kid and pet out. Mom pitches a fit — as she should! After all, pet has been registered online as an "emotional support animal" and Mom carries certification — on her cell phone!

Very disturbing is that according to the "law," the aforementioned manager did nothing wrong, and apparently it's not yet legal to Bring Your Pets into Subway.  Astounding! 

Most disturbing — and absolutely unprecedented — is that the anchor in the studio, one Chris Hurst actually had the temerity at the end of the piece to explain the difference between a "service animal" or service animal, and an "emotional support animal" or pet. 

Well, that don't help our cause none, does it!

Check out the story here.

And be sure to note that the "emotional support animal" is outfitted with a prong collar, which is generally used as a training device, so either the 11-year-old in charge of the dog is still training her or is unable to handle her without it.

Friday, September 23, 2016

99¢ Only Store — Winnetka, California

If we had 99¢ only for every time we've seen someone who knows you can  Bring Your Pets  to the 99¢ Only store, well, we probably could afford to shop somewhere else than the 99¢ Only store!

Regardless, here's a neat one: This gentleman decided to bring his pit bull along for shopping day!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Crave — Studio City, California

You'd have to be a far-out space nut not to fall in love with adorable little Moe! Presumably it's not just beloved veteran comedians who can get a booth with their pooch at Crave. Looks like you can Bring Your Pets, too!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lowe's Home Improvement — Rocky Mount, Virginia

Some would cry "Foul!" for me posting this one, as it was snapped in a fairly rural area (where it might be argued that policies about animals in stores may already be more lax) in a Lowes (where it might be argued "It's a home improvement store with concrete floors — what's the harm?!") and the pet is in a carriage (and it might be argued "Isn't that poor dog suffering enough already with the complete loss of any dignity he might have once possessed prior to being shuttled about in a pink stroller?").

Ah, but such arguments would fall on deaf ears, for those who would make them don't understand this blog's intent! We celebrate pets in such establishments!

I'm here to tell you, "Look! You can Bring Your Pets to Lowe's! Magnificent!"

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Goodwill Thrift Store — Burbank, California

"There's no place like home," this Toto-like dog is probably thinking, "There's no place like home. And hopefully Mommy will bring me back there soon so she can apply my ass-mange ointment to my painfully mange-afflicted ass."

But in the meantime, the little guy's enjoying pokin' around this thrift store in Burbank while spreading ass-mange spores throughout the store. Who knows, perhaps some landed on that t-shirt or drinking glass you bought there.

Don't worry, they're free with purchase — just another benefit of shopping in a store where you can Bring Your Pets!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Unidentified Casino — California

This high-roller's got her pooch in one hand, a lit cigarette in the other!
"Wait, Mommy!" fuzzy little Princess seems to be saying, "I think that's a Doggie Cash slot machine over there and I'm feelin' lucky!"

This and another photo shot a moment later when the nice lady takes a good long draaag on that cigarette (wait for the "Bring Your Pets!" book for that one!) were submitted by a longtime reader — thanks — your Official Bring Your Pets! t-shirt is in the mail! what I'd be saying if I gave away such things.

DON'T Bring Your Pets Here!

Boo!  Hiss!  Grrrrrr! Woof woof!

How dare they!  The ridiculous notice (above) in the window of a store reads as follows:

Attention Dog Owners

Unfortunately we are no longer able to permit out four legged friends in the store as it is a violation of the public health code.

The only exception to this rule are Service Dogs.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause.


Despite not currently owning a dog myself, I still feel compelled to speak for dog owners everywhere when I say that while I appreciate the apologetic tone they take with this note, I am incensed that they bolded "violation of the public health code" as though that allowing people to Bring Their Pets into stores has the potential for somehow being unsanitary.

And don't even get me started that they not only had the temerity to mention so-called "service dogs," but capitalize the term as well, imparting some sort of importance or nobility to these animals.

However, I am encouraged by the ellipsis after "thankyou" [sic].  It sort of implies that maybe the last chapter on the matter hasn't been written yet. Maybe it's their way of saying, "Look, the sign's only going to be up here for a few days and then you can Bring Your Pets again!"

The worst part of all this?  I took this photo a few years ago and I don't remember where the hell I was!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Walmart — Porter Ranch, California

Aw!  Look at this chubby little Cocker Spaniel waiting patiently in the Ten Items or Less checkout at the infamous Pepper Spray Walmart in Porter Ranch, California. Let's hope some of those ten items were doggie treats for this cutie!  

The sign out front reads "Service Animals Welcome"— ooh, la-dee-da with your precious "Service Animals." Everyone knows Service Animals have to be allowed in by law. The sign should read "Bring Your Pets" to let folks know their pets are welcome, too — like this little bundle of joy!

Friday, June 10, 2016

99¢ Only Store — Canoga Park, California

An oldie but a goodie from way back in 2012!

This marvelous free spirit wasn't about to leave ol' Towser at home, no sir!

While "Mommy" busied perusing the oral hygiene products, her cute canine busied himself gnawing on a couple of discarded plastic hangers on the floor. Don't worry, boy, we'll walk around you!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Walmart — Rocky Mount, Virginia

While Los Angeles does seem to be ground zero for fun-lovin' folks bringing their pets into stores & restaurants, the phenomenon is spreading! Here's a trio of dog lovers with their little pup in the Rocky Mount, Virginia Walmart. A feisty, fun-lovin little guy he was, too — yappin' and yippin' up a storm at the checkout. What a delight!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

99¢ Only Store — Northridge, California

99¢ Only stores are well-known for their dog-friendly policy. Rarely a week goes by that I don't see someone bringing a pet inside one of their stores, or that a friend doesn't tell me of yet another 99¢ Only store pet sighting.

This little cutie was traveling in comfort — he even had his bed in the shopping cart! Adorbs!