Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Crave — Studio City, California

You'd have to be a far-out space nut not to fall in love with adorable little Moe! Presumably it's not just beloved veteran comedians who can get a booth with their pooch at Crave. Looks like you can Bring Your Pets, too!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lowe's Home Improvement — Rocky Mount, Virginia

Some would cry "Foul!" for me posting this one, as it was snapped in a fairly rural area (where it might be argued that policies about animals in stores may already be more lax) in a Lowes (where it might be argued "It's a home improvement store with concrete floors — what's the harm?!") and the pet is in a carriage (and it might be argued "Isn't that poor dog suffering enough already with the complete loss of any dignity he might have once possessed prior to being shuttled about in a pink stroller?").

Ah, but such arguments would fall on deaf ears, for those who would make them don't understand this blog's intent! We celebrate pets in such establishments!

I'm here to tell you, "Look! You can Bring Your Pets to Lowe's! Magnificent!"

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Goodwill Thrift Store — Burbank, California

"There's no place like home," this Toto-like dog is probably thinking, "There's no place like home. And hopefully Mommy will bring me back there soon so she can apply my ass-mange ointment to my painfully mange-afflicted ass."

But in the meantime, the little guy's enjoying pokin' around this thrift store in Burbank while spreading ass-mange spores throughout the store. Who knows, perhaps some landed on that t-shirt or drinking glass you bought there.

Don't worry, they're free with purchase — just another benefit of shopping in a store where you can Bring Your Pets!